Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The End!
Wow I learned many new things and had some fun while doing it, which is always good. I think the program was good and covered, at least to me, many new things. I enjoyed setting up a blog and I will us that in the future. Flickr, image generators and wikis are something that I would like to explore a little more in the future. I also think that the online applications and tools are something that I will use and can show my husband so that he can use them in his business. I felt that some of the discovery exercises were a little long and more time-consuming than a hour a week. I did not enjoy any of the tagging and other things covered by Delicious and Technorati. And Rollyo was not a tool I felt I would use. For me the program moved along easily until I got to Week 5 and then when it came to Rollyo I hit a wall, but I was determined to get through it. Week 5 and Week 6 were the hardest, and I don't think I will use any of those tools in the future. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to be exposed to the information and at least I am aware of what they are. Once I got through those two weeks I was able to moved along with the rest of the exercises without to much trouble. I'm glad I was able to do these exercises.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Thanks to Deirdre and Joan Churchill I was able to complete this exercise. I downloaded a book that was readable on the computer and then also download an audio book. I had problems with the audio book and ended up having to install somethings so it would work. After doing that the process seemed simple. I think this is a good tool to offer, but I also believe it can be frustrating to use. Once you have your computer set, I think many customers would find this important for them. I think it should be used with a warming that they may have problems and that yes they may have to install somethings to get it to work.


I listened to a podcast from Lansing Library. The author Katherine Hoeger Flotz speaking about her memoir, Pebble In My Shoe. I added it to bloglines. Besides being able to listen to the author speak, from the podcast site you could see if the title was available also included information about other events and other podcasts. Because I picked a library I could see how they have use this tool. I could also see applications for staff meetings and training with other locations in our own library system or with another system, a sharing of limited library resources also library board meeting, author events. Podcasts are a very interesting tool and I would like to explore them a little more in the future.


Recipes for success : huge number of tools for all ages and all sorts of interests. Lots of tools for note taking and highlighting ideas in articles. Need to spend more time to explore all the ins and outs of this tool.

Zoomii books.

With this tool you select a subject and the cover of books would load on to the page and you could scan through them. If you selected a title and clicked on it, it would take you directly to Amazon if you wished to order it. It also showed reviews. I like how you type in a subject and the book covers appear.

I could see this concept being a useful tool in the library setting, if a customer could type in a subject and not just get a list of titles under that subject but also picture of the covers to help make their selection.


I decided to limit my search in YouTube to library or Library tutorials. There were so many.

They seem to fall into two categories. Funny, with exercising library staff, books used as dominoes, things about the Dewey system and the list goes on. The second group were mostly dry tutorials about using the library, world cat. and databases etc. I watched a summer reading club promotion from Denver Public library. I found it hard to limit my search down to get smaller numbers to decide what video I wanted. I watch the Denver public video and I also viewed the OPL summer reading club video. Denver's video was a story and Opl's was like watching a commercial of TV.

Even though I didn't watch any of the library tutorials I think they are a good way to teach the customers about things like databases, how to videos on using the library. Staff could also benefit from this kind of training. I think people would be more likely to watch a short "how to" then to read a flier that was given to them.

I also saw several videos with celebs reading children's classics like Meryl Streep reading the Velveteen rabbit. Very interesting tool with the ability reach a large customer base.